Contact us at Bella Mar at Royal Palm Beach

Get in Touch Today

At Bella Mar, every detail is carefully curated to help ensure that our residents’ lifestyles aren’t just lived, but celebrated. Discover a community where every day brings new opportunities for joy and connection. 

From our game room filled with laughter and competition to our serene gardens offering tranquil moments of reflection, Bella Mar is more than a place to live—it’s a place to thrive.

Whether you’re curious about our amenities, interested in the diverse activities we offer, or simply want to feel the ambiance of our community firsthand, scheduling a visit can be the first step towards embracing a lifestyle of relaxation, comfort, and support.

Contact us today to plan your visit. Each person’s story is unique, and at Bella Mar, we’re ready to help make every chapter exciting.

Contact Us

Our Location Information


  • 11911 Southern Blvd.
  • Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411


Choose an Enriched Lifestyle

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