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Senior Exercise Equipment for Small Spaces

Senior man exercising with a resistance band on a yoga mat in a small living room.

The world of exercise equipment has come a long way from bulky, space-consuming machines to compact, multifunctional pieces that can easily fit into small living spaces. As we age, staying physically active becomes increasingly important for maintaining good health and mobility. However, limited space can often deter us from investing in exercise equipment. Fortunately, there […]

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10 Leg Strengthening Exercises for Seniors

A senior lays flat on a yoga mat, stretch one leg up in the air against a rubber exercise band.

The strength of your legs impacts your overall mobility and independence as you age. Strong legs support balance, reduce the risk of falls, and enhance our ability to perform daily activities.  Here are 10 effective leg-strengthening exercises for seniors to help keep those legs strong and sturdy: This blog will review each exercise listed here […]

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