Our Community Gallery in Royal Palm Beach

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A Peek Into Our Community

At Bella Mar at Royal Palm Beach, we go beyond the basics of assisted living and memory care to provide an experience that is enriching, engaging, and personalized to each resident’s individual preferences. 

Imagine starting the day with a gentle yoga session in our sun-drenched outdoor spaces, followed by a nutritious, chef-prepared breakfast that caters not just to health needs but also to the taste buds. 

Our calendar is filled with diverse activities ranging from art classes to educational workshops, so there’s always something stimulating to look forward to. Whether it’s the laughter-filled afternoons in our game room or peaceful strolls through our outdoor spaces, every moment here is designed to enhance your well-being and happiness. 

At Bella Mar, we don’t just offer a place to live—we offer a vibrant lifestyle that celebrates each resident’s unique story.

Schedule a Visit Today

Discover the vibrant lifestyle you deserve at Bella Mar.

Explore our gallery to see what makes our community uniquely special, and schedule your visit today to start writing your next chapter with us. A new beginning awaits!

Weaving a Rich Tapestry of Life

Our full-spectrum wellness programming goes beyond physical, mental, and social well-being. It’s about enriching life itself.

Health & Wellness

Here, new possibilities are a daily affair with an array of activities designed to inspire and entertain.

Our Events

Savor the taste of quality dishes prepared with care by our culinary team—embark on an adventure for the tastebuds.

Experience Fine Dining

Choose an Enriched Lifestyle

Our Location Information


  • 11911 Southern Blvd.
  • Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411


We’re Here for You

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