Senior Health & Wellness in Royal Palm Beach

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Invigorating Resident Well-Being

Rejuvenation, longevity, and comfort are the tenements that make up our approach to health and wellness.

Through invigorating programs that focus on revitalizing the quality of life of our residents, Bella Mar at Royal Palm Beach aims to offer more than exercise regimens—our goal is to restore and celebrate our resident’s quality of life. 

Whether through our modern fitness, our approach to dining, or our health-supportive technologies, our focus is always on our residents and helping them live better.

Learn more and schedule a visit with us today.

We’re Pro-Active

Invigorating the well-being of our residents is more than just buzzwords. It’s a core philosophy of the experiences we offer.

We aim to support our resident’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being through personalized programming and services. Our goal is to make it easier for all residents to prioritize their wellness with the help of our convenient, proactive approach.

Incredible On-Site Fitness Amenities

Our community boasts modern fitness and wellness amenities that residents can access whenever possible. Residents can use our supervised spaces and well-maintained equipment independently or participate in professionally-led programs at their leisure.

Check out this month’s calendar of events to see what we have to offer. Better yet, schedule a tour for a comprehensive look into our approach.

Outdoor Putting Green & Shuffleboard

Enjoy friendly competition at our outdoor putting green and shuffleboard areas. 

Our beautifully landscaped courses offer a splendid backdrop for fun and relaxation—perfect for residents who want to enjoy the sunshine while engaging in light, enjoyable exercise.

Equipped with modern exercise equipment, our fitness center caters to all fitness levels and features. The equipment available for use includes:

  • Free weights
  • Cardio machines 
  • Exercise balls
  • A massage table

With professionals available to support our residents’ fitness plans, every visit can be an opportunity to elevate your overall well-being.

The pool area features easy-access entry points, offering safety and comfort for all users. 

We host a range of programs for our pool with gentle yet effective workouts that are kind to the joints, such as aqua-aerobics classes. At the same time, we have free swim periods to allow for leisurely laps. 

Leveraging Tech-Driven Wellness Solutions

Our approach to health and wellness integrates technology with 24/7 personalized care and support. 

This seamless blend helps us provide full-service care that is meticulously personalized to meet our residents’ individual needs and preferences. Our array of technologies includes:

  • Telehealth services
  • Virtual visits
  • Online learning
  • Communication between residents, family, and staff
  • And more

Our use of technology helps elevate the quality of support we provide and offers peace of mind for residents and their families.

Modern Approaches. Timeless Care.

Discover the difference technology-driven support can make for you or your loved one’s health and well-being. 

Schedule a visit to our community today and experience how we personalize wellness experiences with modern solutions.

Weaving a Rich Tapestry of Life

Our full-spectrum wellness programming goes beyond physical, mental, and social well-being. It’s about enriching life itself.

Health & Wellness

Here, new possibilities are a daily affair with an array of activities designed to inspire and entertain.

Our Events

Savor the taste of quality dishes prepared with care by our culinary team—embark on an adventure for the tastebuds.

Experience Fine Dining

Choose an Enriched Lifestyle

Our Location Information


  • 11911 Southern Blvd.
  • Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411


We’re Here for You

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