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Staying Sexually Active in a Senior Living Community

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An older adult kissing their partner on the forehead while lying in bed together.

Contrary to what many people believe, senior living isn’t a quiet, sedentary lifestyle. Today’s senior living communities thrive on fostering vibrant, active lifestyles, including supporting wellness and all aspects of health—physical, mental, emotional, and yes, even sexual.  

Sexual activity is an important aspect of life at any age. Older adults can stay sexually active by understanding physical changes in their bodies, addressing barriers, and taking steps to foster safe sexual health.

The Benefits of Staying Sexually Active as We Age  

A healthy sex life is about so much more than physical pleasure—it contributes to an enhanced sense of well-being and connectedness. The physical benefits of staying sexually active in later years include improved health. Sexual activity can promote heart health and circulation, lower blood pressure, and reduce your risk of high cholesterol, which are high-risk factors as you age. 

The mental and emotional benefits of sexual activity include:

  • A sense of connection: Physical intimacy often strengthens bonds between partners, creating an emotional sense of closeness and companionship.
  • Elevated mood: Sexual activity can release hormones that make you relax and reduce stress.
  • Maintaining confidence: Staying sexually active can improve self-esteem and provide a sense of pride in taking care of one’s well-being.

Overcoming Barriers to Sexual Activity

Many older adults face hurdles that may keep them from staying sexually active. Whether it’s social stigmas, health-related changes, physical changes associated with aging, or simply a lack of open conversation, these barriers are real.

Understanding Age-Related Physical Changes  

It’s natural for the body to go through changes that can alter how a person experiences intimacy. Physical changes can include lower libido, vaginal dryness, menopause, or difficulty maintaining an erection. Such issues can be addressed with medical care or simple lifestyle changes such as staying active and maintaining a balanced diet. Consulting with a healthcare professional can lead to solutions tailored just for you.  

Addressing Emotional Barriers  

For many older adults, there’s an added layer of hesitation around discussing or exploring sexual activity. Some worry about how their peers and loved ones will view them. It’s essential to remember that sexuality remains a perfectly normal and healthy part of life at every age.

Breaking Social Stigmas  

Sexuality is often framed as something that diminishes or becomes irrelevant with age. However, this is a harmful myth that prevents many older adults from pursuing healthy intimacy. Open conversations within senior living communities and programs designed to educate and inform can help dismantle these outdated assumptions.

An older couple embracing each other in bed and having a conversation about sex.

Tips & Advice for Older Adults

Here are practical steps for fostering sexual health and activity, making it accessible and comfortable:

  • Communicate openly: Open communication with your partner or healthcare provider is key to addressing physical or emotional challenges.  
  • Explore options: Changes in the body might call for new approaches. Lubricants or exploratory conversations with a partner can all contribute to a fulfilling experience.  
  • Stay active overall: Regular exercise and healthy eating can support libido and endurance, ensuring you’re ready for intimacy when the moment arises.  

Sexual Activity & Staying Safe

While engaging in sexual activity can benefit overall health and well-being, it must be safe. Safety  can include regularly getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), using protection such as condoms, and discussing any concerns with a healthcare professional.

It’s also important to remember that consent is key at any age and should always be respected. By prioritizing safe sexual practices, you can enjoy the physical and emotional benefits of intimacy without compromising your health.

Community Involvement  

Senior living communities can foster a supportive environment for healthy sexual activity by promoting the following:

  • Safe spaces: Develop programs or group discussions where residents can discuss health, intimacy, and emotional well-being openly while respecting privacy.  
  • Education: Staff should be trained to respect the sexuality of residents and encouraged to address needs with sensitivity and professionalism.
  • Healthcare access: Make it easy for residents to connect with medical professionals who specialize in senior sexual health.  

A supportive approach can make all the difference in encouraging older adults to prioritize their sexual health and intimacy.

Enriched Wellness in Senior Living

Sexual activity and intimacy are vital aspects of physical and emotional health that deserve attention and care. Older adults living in thriving communities have the right to enjoy connected, fulfilled lives at any stage, and this includes engaging in safe, healthy sexual relationships.  

If you’re ready to take the next steps toward an active and connected lifestyle, contact Bella Mar at Royal Palm Beach for more information on senior living and how our community promotes wellness and happiness. 

Written by Bella Mar Royal Palm Beach

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